Sober living

Alcoholic Nose: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Although drinkers nose, gin blossom nose, and red nose alcohol are commonly used terms, they can perpetuate the misconception that alcohol is the sole cause of the condition. In reality, rhinophyma occurs due to untreated or severe rosacea, though alcohol consumption can aggravate symptoms, making the redness and swelling more noticeable. Alcohol nose, or rhinophyma, […]

Drinking and Driving: Risks, DUIs, & BAC Levels

Because of this risk, it’s illegal in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to drive with a BAC of .08 or higher, except in Utah where the BAC limit is .05. Any amount of alcohol in your bloodstream can impact your driving ability. The effects of alcohol abuse vary greatly, putting you at […]

28 Examples of Behavior Modification Techniques 2025

Examples of behavioral criteria include good attendance, promptness in arriving for work, and completing tasks on schedule. Sometimes it is difficult to determine suitable objective indicators of successful performance. For instance, as a training director of a major airline asked, “How do you quantify what a flight attendant does? Reinforcement and Punishment They’re not about […]

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